Thursday, October 16, 2008

My in the news

A jury has just convicted a man, Guillermo Zarabozo for the murder of four people on the “Joe Cool” boat which he will be facing life in prison. He claims that he wasn’t the one to kill the people and states that his accomplice Kirby Archer was the one who came up with the whole plan and killed the people. Zarabozo is charged with a firearm charge, but he is also going through a mistrial for twelve other charges of kidnapping and murder. The two men claim that pirates came aboard the boat and killed the crew members. That was later found out to be false. Prosecutors faced a challenge because there were no bodies found, no witnesses and no murder weapon. Archer also faces life in prison which he will begin in October. Do you think that the two men can be convicted if there’s no evidence and no witnesses? Should the men face a greater or lesser sentence because there is no evidence? Can the two men’s background have affected the way the situation happened? Can you think of a better story the men could have used to get themselves out of being in prison?

In The News- religious Art

I believe the painting should be done in a public space because this will show the world everyone's religious beliefs and make people very open minded. this may cause a conflict because some people may think they don't want Alah next to Jesus because of thoughts they may have about the accomplishments about the two gods. All art should be displayed but if the mural of all religions is going to be looked as being unacceptable then separate pieces of art should be done but shown to the world publicly. it would be better if an independent organization did the funding because the government really wouldn't have a say in what can be done to the art. No government acts could be used to get rid of the art because people have freedom of speech and no one can be denied that right. Art work is suppose to be "free" and an expression of who we are, so there shouldn't be anything to stop us from being open about our thoughts.

Project 2

Good can happen to all in due time. People have this saying that “all good things come to those who wait.” Sometimes this saying is true but other times the saying just seems so ridiculous because someone could wait there whole life for something good to come to them and nothing ever happens. I’m not saying that good doesn’t come to people but I believe that that person must make an opportunity in order to get good. Luck could be the cause of the majority of good things happening like getting a gift card from Ikea because they store ran out of pots that were on sale. Good things can happen but there is always a catch to them. The phrase gives more detail about our society as well.

Saying “all good things come to those who wait” tells that our society praises the good more and uses this to encourage people to just have patience. Although the comment does make it seem as though the only thing you can do to have good happen to you is to wait for it. If this was heard in other countries many people would think we were lazy because the words make it look as if waiting is the answer to all of our problems but that’s not the case. Opportunity doesn’t just come to knocking on your front door. Waiting can prolong your actions, so having good come to you doesn’t mean that it’s always good. Society portrays this phrase as being great but things can turn out bad when you think about it.

Lives can wither away when waiting for even the smallest of chances to come about. For instance, a young man could be working at an elite company for several years and have the same position for those several years. The young man could be thinking that his promotion will come soon because he has been working hard and doing very well with the company, but then he finds out that someone who has only been working there for a couple of months gets the promotion that he has been waiting for. Now, he must be thinking that he should have made more opportunities for himself, so he could have gotten that position rather than someone else. Waiting could be the worst thing for you to do when you want something. I believe the best thing to do is just go for what you want and choose what opportunities you will receive.

Having some patience though could be good in certain situations because patience shows that you are willing to stick around and wait for some good to happen to you. One way this can come into effect is during a job, if the employer sees you working hard for a decent amount of time then they may put in a good word for you in a position that will allow you to advance yourself. Waiting for the good to happen can open more doors for you, so success can come some what easy to you.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Active Readings

Pg. 242

  1. Men’s relationship is defined as being able to hang out with some guys and drink a beer or watch the game. They could talk about everything except for their feelings. The properties don’t fit the mold of friendship because men don’t talk about how they feel and don’t always confide in the ones they call buddies.
  2. Cohen says that women are able to talk to their closest friend and just open themselves up to each other while if men express themselves they feel like they have lost their masculinity. I do agree with this because most men don’t feel the needed to express themselves as much as women do since they find more comfort in talking to a women that can relate to them.
  3. the argument would still have the same affect. It really doesn’t make a difference what the men’s names are because the story will always be the same.

Pg 245

  1. Tavris tells that the bond between women is more competitive and shallow to the point where a women’s friend can steal her boyfriend. The similarities that the two essays share are that women confide in each other and can easily express their feelings.
  2. Cohen’s definition is that you have someone that you can express your feelings to without having any risks. Tavris’s definition is that a deep relationship that you have with something that is characterized as feminine. My definition of friendship is having a relationship with someone who you can confide in and express your feelings without feeling weak and having a good connection with that person.
  3. A person who is mature is someone that take care of their family and act morally when taking care of the people they need to. Being immature is someone that describes intimacy as being a deed rather than a feeling. Mature and immature is characterized as being able to handle situations in the appropriate way