Thursday, October 2, 2008

Active Readings

Pg. 242

  1. Men’s relationship is defined as being able to hang out with some guys and drink a beer or watch the game. They could talk about everything except for their feelings. The properties don’t fit the mold of friendship because men don’t talk about how they feel and don’t always confide in the ones they call buddies.
  2. Cohen says that women are able to talk to their closest friend and just open themselves up to each other while if men express themselves they feel like they have lost their masculinity. I do agree with this because most men don’t feel the needed to express themselves as much as women do since they find more comfort in talking to a women that can relate to them.
  3. the argument would still have the same affect. It really doesn’t make a difference what the men’s names are because the story will always be the same.

Pg 245

  1. Tavris tells that the bond between women is more competitive and shallow to the point where a women’s friend can steal her boyfriend. The similarities that the two essays share are that women confide in each other and can easily express their feelings.
  2. Cohen’s definition is that you have someone that you can express your feelings to without having any risks. Tavris’s definition is that a deep relationship that you have with something that is characterized as feminine. My definition of friendship is having a relationship with someone who you can confide in and express your feelings without feeling weak and having a good connection with that person.
  3. A person who is mature is someone that take care of their family and act morally when taking care of the people they need to. Being immature is someone that describes intimacy as being a deed rather than a feeling. Mature and immature is characterized as being able to handle situations in the appropriate way

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