Thursday, September 25, 2008

In the News: Pit Bull Attacks

wow!!!! I know that pit bulls can be vicious sometimes but not all dogs are bad. I believe the only reason that dogs attack humans is because they egg them on. Someone has to do something to that dog in order for it to attack them or maybe the person had some meat in their pocket and the dog wanted it. When a dog attacks a human, I kinda expect that a punishment should be enforced but not to the extent that the dog has to be put to sleep over it. If a human harms an animal I believe that they should serve some serious prison time because they knew exactly what they were doing while they were abusing that dog. Community service doesn't. Sometimes people don't even do the community service, they just have someone they know sign the paper saying they did it.

If i ever go to the Human Society i would never look passed a pit bull because if they are trained the right way then they can be very good dogs. My mom's boyfriend has a mixed breed pit bull and her name is Nala. He had her since she was a puppy and he trained her so good that she doesn't do anything without his say so. Now this dog is huge compared to any other dog and looks so scary but she is very well trained. she is also very friendly as long as you get to know her. She has never attacked anyone unless she didn't know them, but that's how she was trained. If someone were to step in the yard and she had no idea who they were she would try to scare them, not attack. i believe it depends mainly on who the person is that trains these dogs because they could have a very bad influence on them and their actions.

Pit bulls are too cute to be put to sleep unless they are like those down right evil dogs like the ones in the dog fights. OOOOOOOOO scary.

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