Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Journal #5

  • Syfer explains that a wife should take care of all the housely duties, the children, all of the arrangements that they or the children may have, and also be able to satisfy her sexual needs.Today not to many women take care of duties like this. Some woman don't take care of thier house instead they may hire a maid. The most that can be said is that woman today take care of their children and all of their arrangements in order to nake sure while they are at work the children are in good hands. everything has changed about the husband and wife relationship because many woman want to become independent and don't rely on men for an income. Several men and woman will handle situations themselves, so the help so the help of the spouse may not be needed.
  • She seemed to list out all the duties she wanted her wife to perform. The essay was a list but in the form of a paragraphed essay. Although she did give detail to every item she wanted her wife to do. I would avoid listing things in my essay since it seems so ordinary.
  • The main thing that i feel is unjustice is racism. everyone says that it has died now a days but undercover several people are very "proracism". Several people benefit from the injustices in society.

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