Thursday, September 18, 2008

in the news: bad technology

This NBC article was very informative because it explained the causes that using a cell phone can have on people every day. several people text and end up hurting themselves in the process since they are looking down so much and aren't concentrating what they are doing. There are several other types of technology that may hurt you for instance, the radio can affect your hearing whether in the car or in your room. Your listening skills go out the window when trying to hear the music or someone talk. this can then allow you not to drive as well as you normally would if the music was lower or hear your mom if she's screaming for help as you listen to your blasting music. Radios also tie in with ipods and mp3 player of any kind. These devices are in your ears so your hearing is really not used to the best of it's ability. It's also said that having headphones in your ears for a long period of time may cause you to lose your hearing. I think several types of technology should be tested longer.

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