Monday, September 8, 2008

Journal #2

  • The essays I chose are compelling because they use alot of detail and tell stories of people in a moment that contains some interest
  • They both tell funny stories in order to get their belief across which allows readers to stay in tune with the story
  • The tone of the two essays are semi- funny and provides readers with a relief when telling the story
  • The essays are similar because they tell a story the reflects on how they evaluate themselves in the end and gives them confidence in themselves. The differences are that the first essay shows how they got to know themselves better by speaking their mind. While the other essay portrays how a young boy help his mother get through hard times and eventually this made him feel a lot better.
  • I believe that both of the essays that I read followed the writing guidelines displayed on the website and they also added a little bit more from previous knowledge.
  • The beliefs I'm leaning towards are humor and laughter or love


Isabella said...

I like "The power of comedy" most because it showed how much that little kid cared about his mother. Sometimes people forget that we only live once and are always in a bad mood or never smiling. It is proven that laughing it's good for your health therefore people should laugh all the time. It was really nice of him to make one of his goal making his mom laugh, I relly liked that. And on the other essay it shows that sometime when you are mad you say things that you don't want to say or you just don't say it in the right way. You should always say what you feel but saying the right way, with the right tone and with patient. We have to communicate in order to let people knnow about our feelings.

StaceFace08 said...

I personally like" A little silence is just the thing" and picked that one as an essay to write about. This essay was interesting because it should how the simple things in life can be the most important and hearing it comes from someones personal experience ; its great to know how it affects ones life.

Yasim said...

My very personal view is that we must put all our days a little comedy, no matter whether we are living through difficult moments or sad. Our laughter bring positive and good things in our lives and attract happiness, success and prosperity. life is just one and we enjoy the most.We must always remember that laugh makes us rejuvenate and forget our penalties.Remember lives every moment of your life as if it were the last because you never know which will be your day.

renigade said...

These two essays were very interesting, they both captured my interest because of the tone that was presented. The first one especially was very humerous but they both had a deeper meaning behind them.