Thursday, October 16, 2008

My in the news

A jury has just convicted a man, Guillermo Zarabozo for the murder of four people on the “Joe Cool” boat which he will be facing life in prison. He claims that he wasn’t the one to kill the people and states that his accomplice Kirby Archer was the one who came up with the whole plan and killed the people. Zarabozo is charged with a firearm charge, but he is also going through a mistrial for twelve other charges of kidnapping and murder. The two men claim that pirates came aboard the boat and killed the crew members. That was later found out to be false. Prosecutors faced a challenge because there were no bodies found, no witnesses and no murder weapon. Archer also faces life in prison which he will begin in October. Do you think that the two men can be convicted if there’s no evidence and no witnesses? Should the men face a greater or lesser sentence because there is no evidence? Can the two men’s background have affected the way the situation happened? Can you think of a better story the men could have used to get themselves out of being in prison?

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