Tuesday, November 11, 2008

In the News- Jose Conseco

The Jose Conseco situation is very embarrassing for him because to be in major league baseball and have to take drugs to better yourself is ridiculous especially when raw talent got you into the sport in the first place. In a way it is good that he did mention the ohter players names in his book because it would be wrong if he got put out to the public and those other players didn't. Although on the other hand it is the players business and when they feel its necessary to let the world know what they are doing then they can. I also feel that certain people should at least know if not the public because something horrible could happen and the steroids could be the cause of it . This will also lead to the lose of players because so many soon to be players may start using some sort of drug if not steroids to boost them up for the game and eventually the game may just become a joke to a lot of the fans because they'll know that it's not pure talent that the guys are playing from. The world might then just stop watching baseball all together.
Drugs that boost your performance is good and bad. In a good way, some players might have some kind of damage to their body and need the drug in order to build back their muscles. Although the bad could be that some players just want to be the best at the sport since there could be someone better. These drugs sometimes play a major role but not every player uses it because they know what it could do to their body.

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