Tuesday, November 25, 2008

In the News: Gas prices

gas prices going down now is a great thing because I can actually fill my tank up without having to spend most of my money. in my opinion gas prices will stay at this same price for the next couple months and might in drop a few more cents but by the time summer rolls around again gas prices might go up to about $3. gas prices always go up during the summer because everyone knows that kids are out of school and families go on their regular family vacations, so their always going tom stop for gas. I believe that gas prices went up to almost $5 because we had a bad president lol. As Professor Mason says that if the prices stay low then the economy is not good but if the prices go higher then the economy is getting better, so i guess that the price of gas should go up but not that much.

Kanye’s Arrest: What really happened?

It happened again; Kanye West was arrested Friday November 14 after leaving a nightclub in England. The story that’s being told to everyone is that Kanye was exiting at the Tup Tup club in Newcastle, England and the paparazzi were taking pictures of him, as usual and he assaulted a photographer. It was alleged that Kanye shoved the photographer’s camera into his nose, leaving bruises and scars. Kanye said on his blog “I put my hand up to the camera in self defense!” and he felt that when he was coming out of the club, the paparazzi was invading his personal space. London reporters claim that as West was pushing the camera away from himself he shouted “get the f---ing camera off him” as if he was speaking in the third person, but on Kanye’s blog his body guard was telling the paparazzi all of this. A couple hours later the London police showed up at Kanye’s hotel to arrest him for assault. A few hours later West was released with no charges. TMZ, a celebrity news show, found that the photographer that was “beat up by Kanye” had pulled this same routine with a British soccer player less than a month ago.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Journal #12

Group: Larry, Luis, & Samantha

- http://perezhilton.com/

Journal #11

Group: Larry, Luis, & Samantha

Title: Scoop
Theme: Gossip
- the magazine will be all about gossip of celebrities and things going on around the world.
- it will include pictures and readers comments
- Fashion tips may be given
- real media facts

With this magazine what we're trying to approach is gossip that is not only talked about but also that is real and can be proven, so there's no he say or she say.

Several tiny sections will be included to give the magazine depth
- fashion
- "what's hot"
- "is it true" ( gossip that is talked about and we confirm that it's true)
- readers comments
- fun celebrity games

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

In the News- Jose Conseco

The Jose Conseco situation is very embarrassing for him because to be in major league baseball and have to take drugs to better yourself is ridiculous especially when raw talent got you into the sport in the first place. In a way it is good that he did mention the ohter players names in his book because it would be wrong if he got put out to the public and those other players didn't. Although on the other hand it is the players business and when they feel its necessary to let the world know what they are doing then they can. I also feel that certain people should at least know if not the public because something horrible could happen and the steroids could be the cause of it . This will also lead to the lose of players because so many soon to be players may start using some sort of drug if not steroids to boost them up for the game and eventually the game may just become a joke to a lot of the fans because they'll know that it's not pure talent that the guys are playing from. The world might then just stop watching baseball all together.
Drugs that boost your performance is good and bad. In a good way, some players might have some kind of damage to their body and need the drug in order to build back their muscles. Although the bad could be that some players just want to be the best at the sport since there could be someone better. These drugs sometimes play a major role but not every player uses it because they know what it could do to their body.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

In the News- Democrats in the White House

With the democrats being in office now, I believe that
change will come to the country Because Obama seems to have his head on straight and wants to make a change for the better since he knows that this country has been suffering. Obama is very much capable of changing the economy and making things better for the country. He has said several times that he will change the economy greatly. He has a plan to reduce taxes for the middle class people which is pretty much everyone, so some people may not have to pay taxes at all if they make a certain income. He wants to provide jobs that benefit the country as well as the people doing the job. He is also here to make the environment a better place which he is going to achieve by stop all mining in order to protect the ozone layer. Some say this is bad because people will lose their jobs but when you think about it, when the mining jobs are gone new jobs will arise because of the need for people to help protect the environment and the different solutions can bring about even more jobs. All this change will happen but not immediately because of the problems that have arose from the decisions that Bush has made. Barack will makes this country better and more well known to other countries.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

My in the news

A jury has just convicted a man, Guillermo Zarabozo for the murder of four people on the “Joe Cool” boat which he will be facing life in prison. He claims that he wasn’t the one to kill the people and states that his accomplice Kirby Archer was the one who came up with the whole plan and killed the people. Zarabozo is charged with a firearm charge, but he is also going through a mistrial for twelve other charges of kidnapping and murder. The two men claim that pirates came aboard the boat and killed the crew members. That was later found out to be false. Prosecutors faced a challenge because there were no bodies found, no witnesses and no murder weapon. Archer also faces life in prison which he will begin in October. Do you think that the two men can be convicted if there’s no evidence and no witnesses? Should the men face a greater or lesser sentence because there is no evidence? Can the two men’s background have affected the way the situation happened? Can you think of a better story the men could have used to get themselves out of being in prison?
