Monday, September 15, 2008

project #1

One of the most treasured relationships you could have is one of love and understanding. Being around a person with such an overwhelming presence can allow you to become the same way. The day I met Ronald was the day I knew my life would change for the better. Ronald and I were introduced by my brother and from that moment on we were inseparable. I couldn’t believe that I found someone that was as goofy and silly as me but always knew when to be serious and understanding. I first realized that Ronald would forever be in my heart was when I over heard him talking to some of his friends when we went out for the night to the movies. I wandered off and come back to hear a conversation occurring between him and about four of his friends. All Ronald’s friends kept telling him that they couldn’t believe he was going out with me and that we would never stay together in the long run because of our age. Everything I heard about our relationship was negative but at the same time positive when his friends spoke of how lucky Ronald was. The only thing on my mind at the time was that these are the same people that talk to me every day about how I would be a good girlfriend and they are so nice to me but now they doubt how good I can be to someone. I felt hurt but I would never let such small comments get to me especially after I met the most amazing person in the world. As I continued to ease drop on their conversation, Ronald cut everyone off and said that I was the girl was always looking for and he could never see me being the person that his friends were describing. He went on to say that out relationship is going to work out and even if it doesn’t he would do anything in his power to make it work out. I never imagined in all my days to here a boy talk about a girl that way. He even told them that he really cared about me and could end up falling in love with me. After hearing that I gliding right next to him, very suavely and played liked I hadn’t heard their discussion and gave him a loving kiss on the cheek. He gave me a look of surprise and asked if I missed him while I was gone, so I replied yes when I was really kissing him for saying such good things about me even when I wasn’t there. I had a smile on my face all night even when we had to walk home from the movies. What topped off the night was when we stopped at a gas station so I could pee and buy two Arizona iced teas. As I walked out the sliding doors I heard Ronald say “I love you babe” and this stopped me in my tracks. My heart started beating so fast; I had no idea what to say or do so I just turned around and laughed like he was joking. He looked at me and said “I’m serious” so I quickly stopped and said it back. I knew he thought I wasn’t being real with him but when I said it I really did mean it and I wanted him to know that the laugh was a way to play it off since I wasn’t sure if he was being honest. The walk home was not so bad but it allowed for some more one on one time. I finally got home and was exhausted but all I could think about was Ronald and everything he had said that night. To me he was the right guy for right now. After that wonderful date Ronald and I had a number of memories of going to the movies, the beach, and going to parties. Unfortunately, Ronald and I broke up because of some disagreements that occurred several months later. He and I are still very good friends and spend every moment together as if we still go out even though things can get a little awkward between us. I have to admit that this was the best relationship I have ever been in and I will always love him for being such a great boyfriend and friend to me.


k_ropa89 said...

hey sammie! i really like the way you wrote your essay but i'll say that you miss to write what was your believe about.
But i can tell its about love or a important treasure.,anyway try to put it somewhere what your really trying to persuade with.
And i have to say that i dont know how old are you, but i can tell that you're really mature and you know how to handle things that maybe people at your age wouln't.
It's really cool how you describe everything that happen with him, and even how you try to get the reader into your text putting what everybody was saying.
Your missing some punctuation but the rest its really good.
well done.

k_ropa89 said...

sorry! try to write somewhere what's your believe.
like that you can persuade or guide the reader a little bit more.
i just had to explain myself. in the first comment was a little crazy the idea.

dr.mason said...

I agree with the comments already that there is not a clear belief being articulated and explored here. Since there is a severe reversal at the end of your essay, readers might feel a bit cheated or confused as to why you spent so much time talking about the connection between you two.

Unless your belief is that young people don't really know what love is, I'm not sure readers will understand the point of the story as it is being told right now. what other beliefs do you see being supported by this story? Once you decide this, you can determine what in this essay can be kept or not.