Tuesday, November 25, 2008

In the News: Gas prices

gas prices going down now is a great thing because I can actually fill my tank up without having to spend most of my money. in my opinion gas prices will stay at this same price for the next couple months and might in drop a few more cents but by the time summer rolls around again gas prices might go up to about $3. gas prices always go up during the summer because everyone knows that kids are out of school and families go on their regular family vacations, so their always going tom stop for gas. I believe that gas prices went up to almost $5 because we had a bad president lol. As Professor Mason says that if the prices stay low then the economy is not good but if the prices go higher then the economy is getting better, so i guess that the price of gas should go up but not that much.

Kanye’s Arrest: What really happened?

It happened again; Kanye West was arrested Friday November 14 after leaving a nightclub in England. The story that’s being told to everyone is that Kanye was exiting at the Tup Tup club in Newcastle, England and the paparazzi were taking pictures of him, as usual and he assaulted a photographer. It was alleged that Kanye shoved the photographer’s camera into his nose, leaving bruises and scars. Kanye said on his blog “I put my hand up to the camera in self defense!” and he felt that when he was coming out of the club, the paparazzi was invading his personal space. London reporters claim that as West was pushing the camera away from himself he shouted “get the f---ing camera off him” as if he was speaking in the third person, but on Kanye’s blog his body guard was telling the paparazzi all of this. A couple hours later the London police showed up at Kanye’s hotel to arrest him for assault. A few hours later West was released with no charges. TMZ, a celebrity news show, found that the photographer that was “beat up by Kanye” had pulled this same routine with a British soccer player less than a month ago.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Journal #12

Group: Larry, Luis, & Samantha

- http://perezhilton.com/

Journal #11

Group: Larry, Luis, & Samantha

Title: Scoop
Theme: Gossip
- the magazine will be all about gossip of celebrities and things going on around the world.
- it will include pictures and readers comments
- Fashion tips may be given
- real media facts

With this magazine what we're trying to approach is gossip that is not only talked about but also that is real and can be proven, so there's no he say or she say.

Several tiny sections will be included to give the magazine depth
- fashion
- "what's hot"
- "is it true" ( gossip that is talked about and we confirm that it's true)
- readers comments
- fun celebrity games

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

In the News- Jose Conseco

The Jose Conseco situation is very embarrassing for him because to be in major league baseball and have to take drugs to better yourself is ridiculous especially when raw talent got you into the sport in the first place. In a way it is good that he did mention the ohter players names in his book because it would be wrong if he got put out to the public and those other players didn't. Although on the other hand it is the players business and when they feel its necessary to let the world know what they are doing then they can. I also feel that certain people should at least know if not the public because something horrible could happen and the steroids could be the cause of it . This will also lead to the lose of players because so many soon to be players may start using some sort of drug if not steroids to boost them up for the game and eventually the game may just become a joke to a lot of the fans because they'll know that it's not pure talent that the guys are playing from. The world might then just stop watching baseball all together.
Drugs that boost your performance is good and bad. In a good way, some players might have some kind of damage to their body and need the drug in order to build back their muscles. Although the bad could be that some players just want to be the best at the sport since there could be someone better. These drugs sometimes play a major role but not every player uses it because they know what it could do to their body.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

In the News- Democrats in the White House

With the democrats being in office now, I believe that
change will come to the country Because Obama seems to have his head on straight and wants to make a change for the better since he knows that this country has been suffering. Obama is very much capable of changing the economy and making things better for the country. He has said several times that he will change the economy greatly. He has a plan to reduce taxes for the middle class people which is pretty much everyone, so some people may not have to pay taxes at all if they make a certain income. He wants to provide jobs that benefit the country as well as the people doing the job. He is also here to make the environment a better place which he is going to achieve by stop all mining in order to protect the ozone layer. Some say this is bad because people will lose their jobs but when you think about it, when the mining jobs are gone new jobs will arise because of the need for people to help protect the environment and the different solutions can bring about even more jobs. All this change will happen but not immediately because of the problems that have arose from the decisions that Bush has made. Barack will makes this country better and more well known to other countries.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

My in the news

A jury has just convicted a man, Guillermo Zarabozo for the murder of four people on the “Joe Cool” boat which he will be facing life in prison. He claims that he wasn’t the one to kill the people and states that his accomplice Kirby Archer was the one who came up with the whole plan and killed the people. Zarabozo is charged with a firearm charge, but he is also going through a mistrial for twelve other charges of kidnapping and murder. The two men claim that pirates came aboard the boat and killed the crew members. That was later found out to be false. Prosecutors faced a challenge because there were no bodies found, no witnesses and no murder weapon. Archer also faces life in prison which he will begin in October. Do you think that the two men can be convicted if there’s no evidence and no witnesses? Should the men face a greater or lesser sentence because there is no evidence? Can the two men’s background have affected the way the situation happened? Can you think of a better story the men could have used to get themselves out of being in prison?


In The News- religious Art

I believe the painting should be done in a public space because this will show the world everyone's religious beliefs and make people very open minded. this may cause a conflict because some people may think they don't want Alah next to Jesus because of thoughts they may have about the accomplishments about the two gods. All art should be displayed but if the mural of all religions is going to be looked as being unacceptable then separate pieces of art should be done but shown to the world publicly. it would be better if an independent organization did the funding because the government really wouldn't have a say in what can be done to the art. No government acts could be used to get rid of the art because people have freedom of speech and no one can be denied that right. Art work is suppose to be "free" and an expression of who we are, so there shouldn't be anything to stop us from being open about our thoughts.

Project 2

Good can happen to all in due time. People have this saying that “all good things come to those who wait.” Sometimes this saying is true but other times the saying just seems so ridiculous because someone could wait there whole life for something good to come to them and nothing ever happens. I’m not saying that good doesn’t come to people but I believe that that person must make an opportunity in order to get good. Luck could be the cause of the majority of good things happening like getting a gift card from Ikea because they store ran out of pots that were on sale. Good things can happen but there is always a catch to them. The phrase gives more detail about our society as well.

Saying “all good things come to those who wait” tells that our society praises the good more and uses this to encourage people to just have patience. Although the comment does make it seem as though the only thing you can do to have good happen to you is to wait for it. If this was heard in other countries many people would think we were lazy because the words make it look as if waiting is the answer to all of our problems but that’s not the case. Opportunity doesn’t just come to knocking on your front door. Waiting can prolong your actions, so having good come to you doesn’t mean that it’s always good. Society portrays this phrase as being great but things can turn out bad when you think about it.

Lives can wither away when waiting for even the smallest of chances to come about. For instance, a young man could be working at an elite company for several years and have the same position for those several years. The young man could be thinking that his promotion will come soon because he has been working hard and doing very well with the company, but then he finds out that someone who has only been working there for a couple of months gets the promotion that he has been waiting for. Now, he must be thinking that he should have made more opportunities for himself, so he could have gotten that position rather than someone else. Waiting could be the worst thing for you to do when you want something. I believe the best thing to do is just go for what you want and choose what opportunities you will receive.

Having some patience though could be good in certain situations because patience shows that you are willing to stick around and wait for some good to happen to you. One way this can come into effect is during a job, if the employer sees you working hard for a decent amount of time then they may put in a good word for you in a position that will allow you to advance yourself. Waiting for the good to happen can open more doors for you, so success can come some what easy to you.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Active Readings

Pg. 242

  1. Men’s relationship is defined as being able to hang out with some guys and drink a beer or watch the game. They could talk about everything except for their feelings. The properties don’t fit the mold of friendship because men don’t talk about how they feel and don’t always confide in the ones they call buddies.
  2. Cohen says that women are able to talk to their closest friend and just open themselves up to each other while if men express themselves they feel like they have lost their masculinity. I do agree with this because most men don’t feel the needed to express themselves as much as women do since they find more comfort in talking to a women that can relate to them.
  3. the argument would still have the same affect. It really doesn’t make a difference what the men’s names are because the story will always be the same.

Pg 245

  1. Tavris tells that the bond between women is more competitive and shallow to the point where a women’s friend can steal her boyfriend. The similarities that the two essays share are that women confide in each other and can easily express their feelings.
  2. Cohen’s definition is that you have someone that you can express your feelings to without having any risks. Tavris’s definition is that a deep relationship that you have with something that is characterized as feminine. My definition of friendship is having a relationship with someone who you can confide in and express your feelings without feeling weak and having a good connection with that person.
  3. A person who is mature is someone that take care of their family and act morally when taking care of the people they need to. Being immature is someone that describes intimacy as being a deed rather than a feeling. Mature and immature is characterized as being able to handle situations in the appropriate way

Thursday, September 25, 2008

In the News: Pit Bull Attacks

wow!!!! I know that pit bulls can be vicious sometimes but not all dogs are bad. I believe the only reason that dogs attack humans is because they egg them on. Someone has to do something to that dog in order for it to attack them or maybe the person had some meat in their pocket and the dog wanted it. When a dog attacks a human, I kinda expect that a punishment should be enforced but not to the extent that the dog has to be put to sleep over it. If a human harms an animal I believe that they should serve some serious prison time because they knew exactly what they were doing while they were abusing that dog. Community service doesn't. Sometimes people don't even do the community service, they just have someone they know sign the paper saying they did it.

If i ever go to the Human Society i would never look passed a pit bull because if they are trained the right way then they can be very good dogs. My mom's boyfriend has a mixed breed pit bull and her name is Nala. He had her since she was a puppy and he trained her so good that she doesn't do anything without his say so. Now this dog is huge compared to any other dog and looks so scary but she is very well trained. she is also very friendly as long as you get to know her. She has never attacked anyone unless she didn't know them, but that's how she was trained. If someone were to step in the yard and she had no idea who they were she would try to scare them, not attack. i believe it depends mainly on who the person is that trains these dogs because they could have a very bad influence on them and their actions.

Pit bulls are too cute to be put to sleep unless they are like those down right evil dogs like the ones in the dog fights. OOOOOOOOO scary.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Active Reading

PG 233

  1. Sanders explained himself very well on his steps to build the wall and all the steps can be visualized clearly because of the process he explained it in. I believe that Sanders feel the need to the process because he wants to emphasize on the whole process of the wall and the relation he has with building the wall
  2. Sanders uses plenty of order. He explain how things happened as the day proceeds. The hammer and the tools connects the majority of the story together.
  3. A dawn stone is the early version of a hammer. Sanders describes it in the essay because he wants to show how early tools can be used just as well as newer tools. The dawn stone may represent all the hard work he put into the work he has done.

Journal #5

  • Syfer explains that a wife should take care of all the housely duties, the children, all of the arrangements that they or the children may have, and also be able to satisfy her sexual needs.Today not to many women take care of duties like this. Some woman don't take care of thier house instead they may hire a maid. The most that can be said is that woman today take care of their children and all of their arrangements in order to nake sure while they are at work the children are in good hands. everything has changed about the husband and wife relationship because many woman want to become independent and don't rely on men for an income. Several men and woman will handle situations themselves, so the help so the help of the spouse may not be needed.
  • She seemed to list out all the duties she wanted her wife to perform. The essay was a list but in the form of a paragraphed essay. Although she did give detail to every item she wanted her wife to do. I would avoid listing things in my essay since it seems so ordinary.
  • The main thing that i feel is unjustice is racism. everyone says that it has died now a days but undercover several people are very "proracism". Several people benefit from the injustices in society.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

in the news: facebook

i believe that facebook is not a phase because everyone has switched to this networking site. everyone was always on myspace saying you should get one and it would be good, you get to meet new people, but in reality myspace was just a way for kids to talk to each other and post all the stuff they like. myspace never really had a purpose besides talking to your friends and putting interesting stuff on their page. With facebook, it gives people a way to network around the world. this allowed people to get to know people that had certain things in common with them and hopefully make a meaningful relationship with someone that could help promote them. i know that Nova has a facebook and this showed that this website was for improving your status of people.

facebook has improved our lives because it allows for easy access to certain people or companies. by having a facebook companies could expand their businesses and get others more involved in their promotional sales. on the other hand myspace really didn't help us because there was something always on the news saying how someone got shot or beat up because of myspace. drama always seemed to happen on someone's page since your whole life is posted on myspace.

Active Reading

Pg. 108

  1. The 6 myths of creativity explain who can e creative, how they can be creative, what determines creativity, timing, group project creativity, and organization factors.
  2. She got examples from several different companies that had different types of people and different environments. She was looking for natural creativity without any factors forced upon the people to see how their journals would come out. What was very surprising was that she looked at the people wrong through the project.
  3. The audience of the article are people that feel that they have no creativity and need help with what they can do to help.

Journal #4

When Bartholomae says that students must invent there own university he is saying that while students are writing they must come up with there own branch of writing from something else. For example form a department like what a university has which would be financial aid or academic services, so this way writing can be a learning experience.

He says that students must have a special right when speaking. This allows students to express themselves and come up with new ideas which could lead to a change in literature. The thought of students inventing something is a good idea when writing.

He explains that one paper is very elegant and tidy but lacks a sense of understanding, so if someone reads the paper a lot of editing may need to be done to it while the other paper explains creativity. Although the writer doesn’t believe what they say because they say they are creative and then call it imitation.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

in the news: bad technology

This NBC article was very informative because it explained the causes that using a cell phone can have on people every day. several people text and end up hurting themselves in the process since they are looking down so much and aren't concentrating what they are doing. There are several other types of technology that may hurt you for instance, the radio can affect your hearing whether in the car or in your room. Your listening skills go out the window when trying to hear the music or someone talk. this can then allow you not to drive as well as you normally would if the music was lower or hear your mom if she's screaming for help as you listen to your blasting music. Radios also tie in with ipods and mp3 player of any kind. These devices are in your ears so your hearing is really not used to the best of it's ability. It's also said that having headphones in your ears for a long period of time may cause you to lose your hearing. I think several types of technology should be tested longer.

Monday, September 15, 2008

project #1

One of the most treasured relationships you could have is one of love and understanding. Being around a person with such an overwhelming presence can allow you to become the same way. The day I met Ronald was the day I knew my life would change for the better. Ronald and I were introduced by my brother and from that moment on we were inseparable. I couldn’t believe that I found someone that was as goofy and silly as me but always knew when to be serious and understanding. I first realized that Ronald would forever be in my heart was when I over heard him talking to some of his friends when we went out for the night to the movies. I wandered off and come back to hear a conversation occurring between him and about four of his friends. All Ronald’s friends kept telling him that they couldn’t believe he was going out with me and that we would never stay together in the long run because of our age. Everything I heard about our relationship was negative but at the same time positive when his friends spoke of how lucky Ronald was. The only thing on my mind at the time was that these are the same people that talk to me every day about how I would be a good girlfriend and they are so nice to me but now they doubt how good I can be to someone. I felt hurt but I would never let such small comments get to me especially after I met the most amazing person in the world. As I continued to ease drop on their conversation, Ronald cut everyone off and said that I was the girl was always looking for and he could never see me being the person that his friends were describing. He went on to say that out relationship is going to work out and even if it doesn’t he would do anything in his power to make it work out. I never imagined in all my days to here a boy talk about a girl that way. He even told them that he really cared about me and could end up falling in love with me. After hearing that I gliding right next to him, very suavely and played liked I hadn’t heard their discussion and gave him a loving kiss on the cheek. He gave me a look of surprise and asked if I missed him while I was gone, so I replied yes when I was really kissing him for saying such good things about me even when I wasn’t there. I had a smile on my face all night even when we had to walk home from the movies. What topped off the night was when we stopped at a gas station so I could pee and buy two Arizona iced teas. As I walked out the sliding doors I heard Ronald say “I love you babe” and this stopped me in my tracks. My heart started beating so fast; I had no idea what to say or do so I just turned around and laughed like he was joking. He looked at me and said “I’m serious” so I quickly stopped and said it back. I knew he thought I wasn’t being real with him but when I said it I really did mean it and I wanted him to know that the laugh was a way to play it off since I wasn’t sure if he was being honest. The walk home was not so bad but it allowed for some more one on one time. I finally got home and was exhausted but all I could think about was Ronald and everything he had said that night. To me he was the right guy for right now. After that wonderful date Ronald and I had a number of memories of going to the movies, the beach, and going to parties. Unfortunately, Ronald and I broke up because of some disagreements that occurred several months later. He and I are still very good friends and spend every moment together as if we still go out even though things can get a little awkward between us. I have to admit that this was the best relationship I have ever been in and I will always love him for being such a great boyfriend and friend to me.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

In the News Politics

The first article from FOX News is very important in my eyes because when someone is running for president they must have their family behind them no matter what even if their family members beliefs are different from theirs. If the family doesn't have your back during election time then that can cause you to give up since you know no one is there for you. In the media, candidates family members will be blasted all over the cover of magazines, television, and the radio so when people look at the person that may be running their country, they also look at the people that are around them constantly. When you think about it the candidates views are the only thing that should be seen by the people but their not because people love controversy.
The second article is very positive since it shows that two people with completely different views can come together on such a memorable day to show the country that we should stick together even in the harshest of times. I believe that the two candidates displayed something great and they are well recognized for it . This will be a day always remembered by the people of America and everyone around the world.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Active Reading Questions

Pg. 73
1. When Smiley started working at a horse stable my thought of chores changed to I should work hard to keep things neat because it will make life a little easier. She describes this when she began to realize that she needed to help out a little around the house and also at work. The impact would be the same because any where you place this incident in the essay the effect of it would be the same.

2. Smiley uses the evidence of her husband doing a work while he was a child and the fact that your parents would tell you to do chores and they would be doing the easy parts. The reasons aren't really authoritative because chores can vary by the amount of people that are spoken to. This reveals that her intended audience was people that somewhat had chores but didn't really do them because of other things and then realized how much chores effect your life when they get a job.

3. Smiley gives an emphasis when using rhetorical questions because she wants to get the fact that your parents make you do chores while they take on the easy chores. My reaction is that it does help the essay when trying to push doing chores.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Active reading questions

Pg. 13

  1. Collin Powell’s purpose for writing this was to inform readers of the struggle he had to go through to get where he is today. He achieves this by telling of the night he went to a restaurant to get a burger and Powell was told to go around back to get his food. He also portrays his struggle by telling of the college he attended and it was like Harvard to everyone where he lived.
  2. Powell was trying to attract a group of people as his audience. The audience could be people that look up to him and this could be recommended to people who may have grown up in the same or similar situation as Collin Powell. This way they get a look at what could be done even in the worst of situations.
  3. In this excerpt Collin Powell is a very determined and proud man. He works hard for what he wants and I believe he could never stop until he gets to there. My attitude hasn’t changed about Powell since I always thought he was a great achiever.

Pg. 19

  1. Goldberg is trying to educate people on being open when writing. She says to just sit down and write don’t think of ideas because doing this your words won’t come out the same way you thought of them.
  2. The audience she was reaching out to may have been beginning writers. The others that benefit from this excerpt are writers trying to express themselves but can’t quite get it. Others that won’t benefit are people who want to write educational essays that don’t need any personal expression in it.
  3. The subject is that writing is not to be thought about but rather to be expressed and trying to have ideas while writing a story. My attitude towards her subject is that she makes a good point and writing can’t always be planned there has to be some feeling in it.

Journal #2


  • The essays I chose are compelling because they use alot of detail and tell stories of people in a moment that contains some interest
  • They both tell funny stories in order to get their belief across which allows readers to stay in tune with the story
  • The tone of the two essays are semi- funny and provides readers with a relief when telling the story
  • The essays are similar because they tell a story the reflects on how they evaluate themselves in the end and gives them confidence in themselves. The differences are that the first essay shows how they got to know themselves better by speaking their mind. While the other essay portrays how a young boy help his mother get through hard times and eventually this made him feel a lot better.
  • I believe that both of the essays that I read followed the writing guidelines displayed on the website and they also added a little bit more from previous knowledge.
  • The beliefs I'm leaning towards are humor and laughter or love

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Journal #1

  • The situation that made me respond in writing was that I couldn't be open with my boyfriend in person without us getting into an argument, so i realized that I should write him a long letter explaining how I felt and and answer all the questions he had been asking me for the longest time.
  • the reason I decided to write the letter was because my boyfriend would just turn the conversation into an argument and never listen to what I had to say. He would push all his thoughts and feelings out and then leave me speechless since I forgot what I was going to say or I never got a chance to say anything.
  • The genre chosen was criticism and persuasive. I chose criticism because I wanted to tell him of the things he could work on in his personality and habits. The criticism wasn't meant to hurt him but more to help him. I also chose persuasive to convince him that I really did care for him and that he was an important part of my life.
  • My audience was to my peer and wanted to establish a truthful and trustworthy relationship with my audience.
  • My purpose was to inform, educate, call action to, and persuade. I think that I portrayed my purpose very well and it came across very clear to my audience.
  • The context I used was the time period we were in location, and my cultural significance. The culture that was used my family background and the way I thought about certain situations and how I expected them to occur.
  • In a rhetorical situation I have the opportunity to rethink what I wrote and how it was written. while in other writings I just write as I think without really analyzing the occurrence.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

in the news #1

Technology is acceptable in all ways but through human advancement is does seem some what right because it can help with certain situations. On the other hand it gives someone else the upper hand in a competition for instance. If that person has an advantage over someone else who is not capable of getting that perk or not willing to use it then the competition seems unfair to everyone else. For example, Marion Jones, the track star was caught using steroids in the last Olympics. Her use of the drug gave her more of a push while the other track stars were struggling to win the gold. Human advancement has its good and bads , its just how the the boost is used in a predicament.